Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hi, My name is Bindle. My mommy sometimes calls me the FLUFFY BASTARD when I chase my older brother around and attack him for no reason.

I enjoy long lounges on the sofa and romantic meetings at the kibble bowl.

Yes, I AM too sexy..........meow!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Billy LOVES to show off his tummy!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ailurophilia FIRST POST introduction

Hello there. My name is Sophia & I love love love cats! ME-OW! Now I am not a "crazy cat lady" because I do have a husband which by the way when I met him I only had 2 cats. HE is the one who keeps bringing them home to me. haha.

I am also not a "hoarder". If I do come across a kitty in need, I take it in for a day or two until I can find a proper home for it or take it to a NO KILL shelter where they can find a loving home for them. It is important that if you do take in a stray cat, even if its for just a day or two to keep it away from your other cats in a different room and have separate food and water dish so you don't end up making your other kitties sick.

In this blog I am going to be posting tons of pics of my own 5 cats & other funny, cute, interesting kitty pics & also my opinion on animal issues and fun facts as well. So come back often & make sure to follow my blog so you can be updated when there is a new post!

Lots of love!